Siddha Yoga is a spiritual path that cultivates mastery of the mind and senses through spiritual teachings and practices. It is also a path illumined by the grace and wisdom of a living master.
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, the Siddha Guru [link to The Siddha Guru on the UK website], awakens seekers to their own divinity by a transmission of grace known as shaktipat diksha. Thereafter she guides them towards an ever-greater awareness of the inner Self.
With committed study and practice, students are able integrate the teachings and practices of Siddha Yoga into the fabric of their daily lives, transforming their perception of themselves and the world in which they live.
The path of Siddha Yoga is rooted in Indian philosophical traditions that go back many centuries. At the same time, it is accessible, stimulating, and perfectly suited to the challenges of modern life.
The Siddha Yoga path website [link to The Global Siddha Yoga Path Website on the UK website] is the primary vehicle by which Gurumayi’s guidance and teachings are disseminated.